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Articles tagged Ukraine (24)

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Founder Ilia Krasilshchik doesn’t know the average age or gender or location of the people seeking help through Helpdesk’s chat — he just knows many are terrified.
“Ukraine’s successful strategy in the battle over information demonstrates the connection between armed conflict and information warfare.”
Poland, which has taken in more Ukrainian refugees than any other country, is launching news products for them.
“With the rise of Telegram, graphic imagery has proliferated in the world of open-source intelligence. Does it serve a purpose?”
Increasingly isolated, creators are moving to Russian platform alternatives like VK, Yandex Zen, and RuTube.
Many Russians, in light of the Kremlin’s crackdown of independent media, are also turning to the messaging app for information.
A few recent examples of journalistic defiance show that the Kremlin can’t guarantee full control over Russian journalists during the war.
New war narratives don’t differentiate between fighting and caring as actions of war.
“I want to swing above our weight class. I want us to be able to cover and do more than we should be able to do.”