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Articles tagged PolitiFact (44)

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“People have long mused about live fact-checking on television, but this marked the first in-depth study. It revealed our product could have tremendous appeal — but we need to explain it better to our users.”
Plus: A trove of Russian Facebook ads, “antecedents of bullshit,” and a week with Radio Sputnik.
“Why can’t we use the Cambridge Analytica [method] for good, to help people actually know good things?”
Plus: Surrounding fake news with real news, fake news games, and Kenya faces an election.
„Weder wollen noch können wir die Prediger der einzigen und echten Wahrheit sein. Die Faktenchecker können uns darauf hinweisen, ob eine Geschichte wahr oder erfunden ist.“
“What I found to be really great about the game is how terrible at it I am and how terrible people are at it.”
After helping five pilot news organizations together raise more than $1 million in six months, the News Revenue Hub has spun off into its own standalone organization.
Plus: European investigations, the complexities of fact-checking “fact-based opinions”, and how kids deal with fake news.
A new system funnels fake news reports to fact-checkers from Snopes, PolitiFact,, ABC, and AP.