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Articles tagged Spain (22)

“Problems news organizations will run into, we’ve run into before, we can help them with that, and we can hopefully help them get the same retention and engagement we did.”
“Los problemas con que se encontrarán ya los hemos tenido antes y podemos ayudarles con eso, esperando que consigan la misma retención y compromiso que nosotros”.
“Verne has brought changes to the way we think about information at El País, and how we frame stories to make sure they have an impact on social platforms.”
“Verne ha traído cambios a cómo concebimos las informaciones en El País y cómo las titulamos para asegurarnos un mayor impacto en redes y plataformas sociales”.
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“We have a potential of six million readers. You may not convince all six million people to be your socios, but if you learn more about their interests, you can get closer.”
“We arrive in a moment when people are tired of the politicians, newspapers, everything.”