Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles tagged algorithms (71)

A body of research shows that stronger, not weaker, moderation of the information ecosystem is what’s needed to combat harmful misinformation.
Achieving a more transparent and less manipulative online media may well be the defining political battle of the 21st century.
“Is this post worth your time?” (Or is it at least a picture of people hugging?)
Plus: A thorough report on why social media is not biased against conservatives, and TikTok takes new steps to reduce the spread of unverified videos.
The Citizen Browser Project will pay 1,200 Americans to let The Markup monitor the choices that tech company algorithms are making for them. “What are they choosing to amplify? And what are they choosing not to amplify?”
A user with greater health literacy is more likely to discover usable medical advice from a reputed health care provider, such as the Mayo Clinic.
The company has changed its global search algorithm to “highlight articles that we identify as significant original reporting,” and to keep such articles in top positions for longer.
Plus: Big advertisers ban YouTube (not over vaccines), the National Cancer Institute wonders how to respond to health misinformation, and how to fill a data void.
The algorithm that ranks content can make some truly strange decisions. What set of signals is Google News looking for?