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Articles tagged Wall Street Journal (267)

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When newsrooms, especially local ones, are strapped for engineering resources, the Berkeley students fill in a gap to help journalists complete more ambitious data projects.
Based on an analysis of 763,887 Wall Street Journal articles published from 1984 to 2017, researchers found that news coverage of particular topics predicts 25% of average fluctuations in stock market returns.
The campaign reflects an “increasingly digital” readership, including new subscribers without the experience of holding clearly separated news and opinion sections in their hands.
During a fraught election season, a transcript database is reimagined as a news product for readers reaching for the right quote “to make a point.”
What Noted is not is a separate, cheaper Wall Street Journal gateway product (we remember you, NYT Now).
A new round of consolidation could kill off half of what were the major U.S. newspaper chains just a few months ago. But the possibility of platform cash is sparking hope.
News products that the Journal built to highlight its election coverage to occasional readers are being repurposed for coronavirus coverage.
“Habit is something that has always been in our DNA, but we haven’t called it that.”